Calendr Scheduling System

March 2021

Calendr wireframes
1.0 Wireframes

My Role

Product Designer


Self-led project


I designed scheduling software specifically for salon and spa businesses. I worked as a receptionist at a wellness spa. As a user myself, I knew there were some things missing in typical scheduling software that could improve the overall experience and workflows. The Calendr Scheduling System is the product of that idea. Read on to learn more.

2.1 App login video
2.2 Video of booking flow
2.3 Filters within analytics

Where to start?

The first phase of the research and identifying goals.

Users encounter many different scenarios in achieving their goals. Along are expectations and emotions they might encounter within their workflows. Laying it out using this tool allowed me to evaluate touch points and design the customer interaction furthermore.

The Goal: To provide services to customers that are otherwise not found in other similar services.

journey map
3.0 Journey map in Miro

Site map

The prior research brought out concerns within the old system. To begin the process, I drafted a site map for the application, adding features that are important to the user and taking out the ones that aren't needed.

site map
3.1 Site map in Miro


Creating flows for different scenarios can simulate interactions within the application. I was able to identify problems in the design early on before moving forward to wireframes.

The flow simulate an interaction between the system and the user. The person is undergoing checkout process with a customer. It shows possible actions that the customer will take.

Checkout flow
3.2 Checkout flow

This simulates when they receive a phone call. The user assumes right away that this call is for booking an appointment thus, opening up the calendar scheduling system.

Booking flow
3.3 Booking flow

Overall it was a great learning experience.

Iterations and testings are a must.

Overall, this experience helped me learn how to evaluate user needs and workflows and create a successful product around these important considerations. Aside from creating a product, I gained knowledge in experience design by conducting in user research, interviews and conducting user tests for the prototype.

4.0 Tour of the whole app